Posts by Kevin Kuzma

Thanks for Everything

Everything under the sun belongs to you. The sun itself and the heavens and things we haven’t seen are yours. You made so much beauty[…]

Before the Day Begins

My house is dark just before dawn. I’m awake, in prayer and scripture, and readying for the day to begin. The skies are still black[…]

Let Your Light Shine Down

Let your light of life shine down on me today and every day. Let me step into it and never overstep its pacing. The days[…]

Faith of Dying Embers

My hiding place is a dark cave. Before the dawn, I am awake and lamenting the steps I’ve taken. My God was clearly in the[…]

Edge of Myself

At the end of myself, standing on my sin like a cliff ledge. I led myself here, not by turning away from my God, but[…]

Roll Back the Stone

Roll back the stone, Lord.Clear the dirt from upon my grave.Open my tomb and breathe new life into me.I lie lifeless on my back, the[…]

Wandering Away

Watching from your throne, how can you let this go on, Lord? We’ve taken your word and trivialized it. We’ve taken your church and put[…]

His Call Found Me

My whole life has been a journey toward the Lord, even when I least realized it. When I was completely off His path, He corrected[…]

Shaped by Your Hands

At the edge of the hill is a quiet place where I like to sit and watch the creek waters run. This place is secluded[…]

The Least Beautiful

Above me your handiwork declares your glory. The sky is frozen in blue and the birds are quiet. The ground is covered with snow and[…]